Simple persent tense digunakan untuk membuat kalimat tentang waktu sekarang. Bentuk waktu ini digunakan untuk kondisi-kondisi berikut.
- Fakta permanen: Kalimat-kalimat yang menyatakan fakta yang selalu berlaku/benar.
Contoh: It is cold in winter. – The sun shines – Fish lives in water.
- Fakta sekarang: Kalimat-kalimat yang menyatakan fakta yang benar untuk saat sekarang.
Conth: I work at home. – She plays piano.
“I work at home” tidak berarti saya sedang bekerja sekarang, tetapi berarti bahwa dalam kondisi sekarang saya bekerja di rumah.
- Tindakan kebiasaan: I get up at 5.00 – They come here every day.
Tindakan-tindakan ini diulangi secara teratur, sehingga dianggap sebagai sebuah realita sekarang dan dinyatakan dalam Simple Present tense.
Berikut contoh kata kerja “give” dalam Simple Present:
Tunggal I give You give He gives She gives It gives | Jamak We give You give They give |
Aturan penulisan kata kerja untuk Simple Present tense
Jika kita melihat diatas, anda akan melihat bahwa penulisan kata kerja tidak berubah, kecuali untuk orang ketiga tunggal (He, She, It), yakni kata kerja ditambahkan “s”. Sebagai cntoh “I eat – He eats“.
Terkadang aturan penulisan lain untuk kata kerja juga berlaku bagi He, She dan It, yakni tidak ditambahkan “s” tetapi “es“. Berikut aturannya:
Akhiran kata kerja Kata kerja berakhiran -o ditambah -es Kata kerja berakhiran -s ditambah -es Kata kerja berakhiran -x ditambah -es Kata kerja berakhiran -ch ditambah -es Kata kerja berakhiran -sh ditambah -es —– Kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf konsonan dan -y sering merubah akhiran -y menjadi -ies: Kata kerja seperti “buy” tidak memiliki konsonan sebelum “y”, sehingga cukup ditambahkan -s seperti biasa. | Contoh do – does, go – goes - pass – passes, kiss – kisses - fix – fixes, mix – mixes match – matches, catch – catches - push – pushes, rush – rushes - try – tries, cry – cries - buy – buys, pay – pays.
Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan.
1) Hi, let me tell you about my daily routine. First, I get up at 8.00, then I brush my teeth, have a shower, and eat breakfast. I go to work at 8.50, and I start work at 9.30. Then I have lunch at 1.00, and finish work at 5.30. I go to bed at 11.00. That’s my day!
2) Hi! My name is Sylvia. I come from Korea. I’m 24 years old, I’m tall and I have black hair. I like music and movies. I also like reading books. I play sports and I study English. I’m really happy to meet you!
3) Tyler, do you have a hobby?
Sure, I read books.
Oh, I like books as well. Do you watch TV?
Yes, I watch TV every day. I like drama and comedy programs.
I like the news. And I go to the gym as well.
Me too! Let’s go together.
That sounds great!
Kosa kata baru:
daily routine = rutinitas harian first = pertama get up = bangun brush = menyikat have = mempunyai shower = shower eat = makan breakfast = sarapan pagi go = pergi work = bekerja start = mulai lunch = makan siang finish = selesai bed = tempat tidur day = siang/hari come = datang come from = berasal dari Korea = Korea | black = hitam music = musik movies = filem also = juga read = membaca play = bermain sports = olahraga study = belajar hobby = kegemaran book = buku watch = menonton TV = Televisi drama = drama comedy = komedi news = berita gym = gimnastik let’s =mari kita together = bersama |
Grammar Exercises
Make sentences using the correct form of the verb in the Present Simple.
Example: She walks home. (walk)
1. I cereal for breakfast. (eat)
2. She work at 9.00. (start)
3. Dave and Tim some candy. (have)
4. Charlie movies. (like)
5. He the piano. (play)
6. You great! (look)
Use the correct spelling of the 3rd person singular.
Note: You must finish your questions with a question mark and start your sentences with a capital letter, or these exercises will be marked as incorrect.
Example: The bird flies in the sky. (fly)
7. He homework in the evening. (do)
8. Sarah to English class. (go)
9. The boy the ball. (catch)
10. Jenny her family. (miss)
11. The teacher us. (teach)
12. The baby at night. (cry)